
The following materials will help you implement the See it? Stop it! initiative on your farm.

Initiative Overview: A one-page description of the goals and values of the initiative as well as the commitments employers make when participating.

PowerPoint Presentation: This presentation provides an overview of what See it? Stop it! is, why it’s important and how it can be implemented.

Initiative Values: The values of the initiative confirm the commitments of the farm owner and managers in providing a culture dedicated to the care of animals.

Employer Checklist: The checklist will guide you through steps to implement the See it? Stop it! initiative on your farm.

Employee Agreement: The agreement will help instill in your employees a commitment to the highest standards of animal care and protection.


Toll-Free Hotline Poster: For companies that have an anonymous toll-free hotline to report abuse.

Multiple Contacts Poster: For companies that want to customize the poster to include individual names, titles and phone numbers of those who should be notified of animal abuse (e.g. farm owner, barn supervisor, human resources director, veterinarian, etc.)

Brochures: The brochure may be used as a handout at employee meetings, for food system partners or for consumers who want to know more about the management practices and values that guide your farm.